Possibility to spread by separating

My name is YOZO and I’m a digital team from the information promotion group.
I am excited that I’m the top post batter.

This tag means “seeds of ideas” where contributors talk about their own thoughts to provide them. Lol
Articles will be added frequently, so please come and take a look when you have a lunch break!

-Let’s begin.

How should an idea be considered?

When thinking about patents, TRIZ and other methods are often used.
If you do so, you will be stuck in the swamp of the methods. . .

Now, here is one way to put out ideas.
Just simple.

That is, “Setting one point of your idea, and searching merits”.

For example, let’s consider that “separating” is the point of your idea.

Then, thinking that there will be something that makes you happy by separating.

What about an “umbrella stand”?

Example of a separate umbrella stand 1
Example of a separate umbrella stand 2

Actually, this is my favorite and I’ve been using it for years. Lol
Umbrella stands are usually shaped like cylinder or cuboid.

But, by applying “separate” in this way, it can get the adjustable length with considerable space saving. Also, easy to clean.

What about separating the “game controller”?

Example of a separate controller 1
Example of a separate controller 2

You can input the movements of the real world with both hands and your feet to the game world. This is also an unprecedented value.

In this way, do you feel like that you can create a lot of value with just one point?
Hope you can put out a idea!

Well then!