Behind the Scenes at MURAN2022 ~2nd : Children ‘s Challenge Group~

I am Ryo from MURAN 2022 Web Promotion Team.

This is the second post of “Behind the Scenes of MURAN 2022” which we started posting last time.

We interviewed two members of the Children’s Challenge Group that leads the Children ‘s Future Imagination and Creation Contest.

To the left:Mr. Yakura of Advanced Monozukuri Creation Div. 
To the Right :Mr. Murata of Advanced Testing & Evaluation Div.


Q: Could you tell us about MURAN group that you join?

Mr. Yakura :
I belong to the Children’s Challenge Group, and I am a leader of the Children ‘s Future Imagination and Creation Contest.
This is an event in which elementary school students in Kariya City, Aichi prefecture, draw an image of  “Mobility of the Future“ and make it tangible with Denso’s technology and skills.

Q : Could you tell us more about the specific activities?

Mr. Yakura :
The following four are the main activities of us:
・Doing Interview about the appeal points of children’s drawings.
・Conducting a conceptual study of the drawings
・Confirming the mechanism and functions through a trial production.
・Materializing the concept.

Mr. Murata :
We are currently working on a prototype to materialize the children‘s drawings.

Q : I have heard that there are many difficulties in the production process. Could you tell us more about them?

Mr. Yakura :
We have tried many times to give shape to the children’s wishes.
We are struggling to find the best way to realize the imaginative ideas of the children under a lot of constraints like delivery date, cost, technology, etc.
However, we want to impress visitors and let them say that Denso’s manufacturing is amazing.
Above all, we want to turn the children’s imaginations of the future into creation.
I will work together with the members of the team to give shape to the ideas that children’s have put into the paintings!

Mr. Murata:
This is the first time in the history of MURAN that we are going to try this kind of activity, and we have already encountered various troubles.
However, all the members are sharing their wisdom and helping each other to promote the project.
Each member has been working autonomously, and I have a feeling that this is going to be a good activity.
New personal connection are also expanding!
I would like to make this an event where everyone involved in the production, including the children, can say they are glad that they worked so hard.

Q : Do you have any messages for the event?

Mr. Yakura :
The six works we are producing will be designed to be experienced by the audience.
We hope that you will come to the event and enjoy the works by touching them.

Mr. Murata:
We are going to create the future mobility that the children have drawn.
Denso employees with technology and skills are seriously working to give shape to their mobilities.
I hope that you will visit the exhibition and experience our enthusiasm and greatness.

Thank you very much for accepting the interview.

This event make children’s dreams come true by adults. It is excellent!
I am looking forward to seeing the production until the children’s thoughts take shape.

Stay tuned for the next post of “Behind the Scenes of MURAN 2022” at Software Event Gr.

Posted by Ryo