Tips for “Modern” searching 2

Hello! I’m YOZO.

Thanks to you, the previous article “Tips for Modern searching” was very popular with the number of accesses after the article “I applied for an idea for a MURAN: Part 2”, so this is the second search technique introduction.

This time, we will also introduce 3 convenient and easy search techniques with specific use cases.

Search techniques using Google search operators

I was researching animal related goods. ( The eye-catching image is my wife’s dog:) )
I tried searching for various viewpoints to find existing ideas, problems, or room for ingenuity.

■ [link:XX] that allows you to search the citing sites of the specified link

Search for [link:denso animal items].
You can search for sites that have a link that includes denso (https: // ** denso **).
You can aim for high-quality ideas that are quoted in news articles, report articles, and promotion articles.

First, I examined what existing ideas around the DENSO Group.

By adding “link:denso” to the search word,
You can search for sites that have a link that contains the letter “denso”.

By doing so, you can search for news articles, report articles, promotion articles, etc. that have links to the DENSO Group’s official website, so you are more likely to find high-quality ideas such as…

  • Once become popular
  • Eye-catching products and examples

As a result of the search,
we have arrived at our company’s facebook page, which introduces a smartphone application called “Animal Meter” that displays adorable animals according to the speed of the car. Lol

I was able to get to know one of the existing ideas.

■ [intitle:”XX”] that can search for the title containing the specified word

Search for [animal intitle:” Trouble “]
You can search only those articles whose titles include “Trouble” exactly.
Only the articles that are in trouble can be extracted, so you can quickly catch them.

This is actually a combination of two operators,

  • [” XX “] to search only articles that contain XX as an exact match
  • [intitle: XX] to search only articles whose titles include XX

To specify more than one word in the title, use [allintitle: ○○ ×× □□].

By searching for [animal intitle:”Trouble”], you can extract only articles whose main point is “Trouble”, as shown in the title. Common troubles can be quickly caught in this way.

■ [XX..XX] A range of numbers can be specified.

Searched for [cat tower tall XX..XX cm].
You can easily specify the range of numerical values from the search window.
Smaller ones are more interior-oriented, and larger ones are more comfortable-oriented.

When searching for [cat tower tall 0..100 cm], many small towers, that can be seen in the interior were hit.

If you search for [cat tower tall 200.. cm], you will find many giant towers with ceiling struts. Some even have a hammock. . .

Even the same cat tower will have different ideas if the height is different.
For each installation environment, we must think about

  • safety
  • easy maintenance
  • cat comfort
  • appearance as interior

I think that it is necessary to have a design element of what size, shape and material to realize these point, so the cat tower may have room for ingenuity.

Thank you for your hard work!
In this article, I think that I have introduced useful search operators.

As another operator, there was [~XX] (tilde symbol) that could be searched including related words, but when I tried it, it was the same search result as ordinary word search.
I think the Google search algorithm now includes related words in word search. (If you search for “dogs“, “Dog” are also searched in bold.)

By introducing this search technique, the difference from the usual search results is clarified,
I also learned a lot. . .
If you can use operators, it feels like a “life hack” and it feels good.

I hope you find it helpful. └┌└┌└( ๑╹ω╹๑ )┘┐┘┐┘yeah