Eco-conscious ideas

Hello! I’m KozuKen, an information promotion group. Two weeks have passed since I started working. Perhaps it has returned to normal driving from blurred winter vacation.

The idea for a MURAN has begun and we want to post it, but it’s hard to imagine an idea … This time, I would like to introduce an idea product that is both ecological and practical.

Recently, the flu has become popular in the streets. I didn’t take any precautions last year when it wasn’t until I got the flu for the first time, but from this year I decided to pay attention to indoor humidity as a countermeasure.

It is said that indoor humidity should be kept between 40% and 60% as a measure against viruses. (Best is 50% -60%) So I looked at the humidity in my room …

Usually 38% to 39%

It’s just out of the acceptable range … This must be addressed, But a proper humidifier costs a million yen. (In addition, I personally do not like the sound of the humidifier, especially when sleeping.) So, I was surfing the net to find a way to make it cheaper, so I just tried it because it seems that I can raise the humidity just by putting water in the cup.

As a result of leaving for a day expecting that it should go up a little,

Rather, the humidity was lower than the other day lol
However, this is within expectations. Actually, I thought that would be the case and purchased a vaporizing humidifier beforehand.

When emptying

Felt-like fabric has come out. Just soaking it in water seems to moisturize it. I just set it up.

I feel green is good lol

After leaving for a day with half body and half doubt whether it is really effective

Humidity is up 6%! !

Humidity was rising properly! Although it did not reach the best 50% to 60% of influenza prevention, it is surprisingly effective and satisfactory. Especially because I live alone and my room is small, I wonder if this is enough This year, I’ll try to wait!

The nice thing about this
・ Eco-friendly because electricity is not used
・ No sound due to natural vaporization
about it!

It would be nice to see eco-conscious ideas in the idea contest!