Use scents to come up with ideas!?

Hello. This is MURAN PR-team Iwata.
It’s only three days until the deadline for recruiting ideas.
Isn’t there someone who will be the last run in the future?

You want to focus as fast as possible to get results in a limited amount of time, right?
In such a case, “scent” is recommended.

It is said that the sense of smell is the earliest of the human senses and is transmitted to the brain, so it is easy to work on instinct and emotion.
The following types of scents are generally said to be good for motivation and concentration.

Refreshing citrus scent

Sweet bittersweet scent

Refreshing scent with a refreshing sensation

Other than these, coffee, chocolate, and cinnamon aromas also seem to be good for improving concentration.
A coffee break may be activating your brain.

Stimulation of olfaction is strongly associated with brain memory, and scent preference and perception seem to affect the person’s experience. Therefore, the effective scent may differ depending on the person.

Have you ever remembered your previous memories by smelling the scent?
This phenomenon is called “Proust effect” in medical terms.
The memories remembered by the scents you smell somehow may lead to interesting ideas.

Why do not you spend the period until the deadline with your favorite scent?


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