Kariya Invention Club for Boys and Girls Interview

Hello. I’m PR-G mizo.
Have you seen the Kariya Invention Club for Boys and Girls Interview?
If you haven’t seen it yet, please take a look at this article. (Click here for the previous article)

I think that many people find it a bit difficult to hear when they hear that it is an invention, but in reality, it is a place for children to enjoy making things, and everyone enjoys and participates voluntarily.

In addition, it is an important place to support Kariya, a town for manufacturing, as a place to train people to develop not only the skills required for manufacturing but also the way of thinking about manufacturing! I have interviewed the children who are active there, so please take a look.
* The shooting and interview were conducted in January 2020.

[More time to think through manufacturing]

First, an interview with a second grader participant.

Taking a basic course for second grade elementary school students {Hou-kun, Hikaru-kun, Mizuki-kun}

(Secretariat): All of the children who have been participating since the fluttering for the first grade of elementary school.

Q. How did you get to know Kariya Invention Club?

(Hikaru-kun): My mother told me to go, and I really enjoyed going so I’m continuing.

Q. Did you find yourself having fun after joining the Invention Club?

(Mizuki): I have more time to think. It’s fun not to make it exactly as it is told, but to think about how to do it yourself.

(Hikaru): I also enjoyed thinking about various things. Look at things and think about them.

Q, what kind of work did you actually make?

(Hakukakun): I made a clothespin slot with a creative idea for summer vacation.
If you take the clothes that have been dried, the ones in the back will come out in order and it will be easier to take them.

Q, it’s an interesting piece! Did you think by yourself?

(Hakukun):I thought with my dad.

Q, your father also likes inventions. Want to be like a dad?

(Hakukun): Yes!

Q. Will you participate in Kariya Invention Club next year?

(Hikaru): I decided to participate because it was fun.

Q, what kind of work do you want to make from now on?

(Mizuki): I want to make a tool that appears in Doraemon.

(Hikaru): I want to make a work that will be recognized.

[Good inventions continue to be used]

Next is an interview view of the 5th grade elementary school participants.

5th grader {Rikako-chan, Mei-chan, Natsuki-chan}

Q. When did you join the Invention Club?

(Mei-chan): From the second grade of elementary school.

Q, where did you get to know the Invention Club?

(Rikako-chan, Natsuki-chan): I had known this since my sister participated.

Q, what kind of work did you make recently?

(Mei-chan): I made a cardboard chair. Assembled, I made something that can be removed.

Q, can you tell us the most memorable work?

(Rikako-chan): I made an electric car that I made when I was in the 4th grade. The wiring is so difficult that I can remember it.

Q, how many months do you participate?

(Natsuki-chan): About once.

Q. Do you all know DENSO? We have an idea contest called “MURAN” next time at DENSO. Everyone is working hard towards that. How do you come up with a good idea?

(Rikako-chan): I can think of it while playing a game.

Q, what kind of game are you playing?

(Rikako): Minecraft.
When I’m making various things like a house in a game, I really want to make something like this.

Q, how many inventions have you made?

(Rikako-chan): I smashed the broken ones, but I keep the one who worked hard on the wiring.

Q, what kind of thing did you make recently?

(Rikako-chan): I feel hot when I take a bath for a long time, so I still use it at home to let me know that I am taking a bath for a long time.

(Mei-chan): When I cut vegetables with a knife, I use a cover that fixes the cut vegetables so that they don’t fall apart.

(Natsuki-chan): I made a float that can be used in the event of a disaster. I still use something that has a light on the float that lets me know where I am at night.

Q, how did you come up with the invention of the disaster prevention hood?

(Natsuki-chan): When I was watching TV, I was doing a disaster program, and I thought it would be nice to have something that would tell me where I was when there was no electricity.

Q. What do you enjoy going to the Invention Club?

(Rikako): When talking with friends

(Mei-chan): When you show your creations to your friends (Natsuki-chan): Like Mei-chan, I like making things, so I like to show each other what I’ve made.

Children who challenge manufacturing with the feel of the world

The last is an interview with a person who belongs to the OM (*) team who is practicing for the overseas competition.
* Odyssey of the Mind (World Youth Creativity Competition) stands for children’s creativity.

{Rear row: Merto-kun, Yusei-kun, Soichirou-kun}
{Front row Hitomi-chan, Kaori-chan, Mio-chan, Akari-chan}

Q, please tell me why you joined the OM team.

(Merutokun): I wanted to gain experience by competing with people around the world in manufacturing.

(Soichirou): I wanted to gain a lot of experience not only in manufacturing but also in American competitions.

(Akari-chan): I originally liked English, but I wanted to participate in the world competition.

(Hitomi-chan): I like the contest (*) and participated in participating in the national competition.

(Kaori-chan): I got a gold medal at the chalecon, but I still participated because I had an award and I wanted to go up.

(Mio-chan): I enjoyed the basic course and I attended because the OM participation guide came.

(*) National Boys and Girls Challenge Creation Contest

Q, how about going into the OM course?

(Yuseikun): Manufacturing is fun, but verbal communication is difficult.

Q, do you communicate in English during the competition?

(Meruto-kun): I have an interpreter, but I will do all the long-term English plays in English.

Q, what are the competitions other than Verbal (English drama)?

(Hitomi-chan): There is hands-on.

(Kaori-chan): You make structures with limited materials. For example, you can make a bridge with five straws and five flips so that you can hang objects between them.

(So Ichirou-kun): There are things like putting the ball in various places using the fixed tools like the one I was doing.

(Yuseikuun): I also explain what I made with Hands-on at Verbal.

Actually working on hands-on

Q, why don’t you fight as a team? For example, I think there are various opinions.

(Akari-chan): The captain will put together!

(Soichirou): Everyone agrees on the reason. After that the captain

Q, What are your aspirations for the OM World Congress?

(Kaori-chan): My goal is to be the 1st place. I decided when I couldn’t become the best in charecon!

At the end

The photos seem a little nervous, but did you understand that the children are having fun and working for their own purposes?

This is an important place that supports Kariya, a manufacturing town, so if you have children and are interested in Kariya Invention Club for Boys and Girls, please contact us.
In addition, the Kariya Invention Club for Boys and Girls is exhibiting at DENSO MURAN every time, but we are planning to exhibit this year as well, so please come to that booth.


Handmade at home